Thursday, January 28, 2010

Surviving the Big Chill

Well we did our transfer on Tuesday January 26th at 2:15 pm. As Jenn and I waited in the Pre Op room Dr. Garrisi came to tell us the embryo report. she said...."We thawed the first two and one did not make it, then we thawed the third and final and we are now left with two good looking embryos" Jenn followed Dr. Garrisi into the OR and I went to the waiting room. Miguel had a coffee waiting for me and Nicholas was running around the room like a little monkey.... 10 minutes later they called me to the recovery area where Jenn was resting. We had to rest for 20 minutes and then we could get Jenn to her hotel room for her 24 "bed rest". I cannot describe my overwhelming excitement and hope. Jenn swears she will start to POAS on Friday! I think if she is going to see a positive line on an HPT it will be on Sunday or Monday....I hope I am wrong and it's earlier. Well heres to a long Two week wait! Oh I hope they stick around and grow and develop!

1 comment:

midwife said...

Tomorrow will be 5 days... maybe it will be our day for a positive!